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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Introduction of the Public Diplomacy & Policies

  • Introduction of the Public Diplomacy

    Public diplomacy refers to diplomatic activities through which the State promotes foreign nationals’ understanding of and enhance confidence in the Republic of Korea directly or in cooperation with local governments or the private sector based on culture, knowledge, policies, etc. (Article 2 of the Public Diplomacy Act)

    The government of the Republic of Korea is pursuing public diplomacy under the vision of becoming a Global Pivotal State (GPS) that contributes to the freedom, peace and prosperity in the world, according to the Second Master Plan(2023-27) for Public Diplomacy, with an aim to realize three key objectives—▴Strategic policy advocacy in our national interests, ▴Korea positioned as a powerhouse for science & technology, and culture, and ▴Digital, innovative ecosystem for public diplomacy.

    Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on major key tasks such as ▴Strengthening communication with focus countries and regions, ▴Expanding favorable conditions for Korean language education and Korean studies abroad, ▴Building support for Korea through interactive cultural diplomacy, and ▴Fostering digital public diplomacy using Metaverse and AI technology, etc.

  • Master Plan for Public Diplomacy

    A Master Plan for Public Diplomacy is a mid- to long-term policy direction that outlines the objectives for public diplomacy across the government, and is established every five years in accordance with the Public Diplomacy Act. The ROK government has set forth the Second Master Plan (2023-27) as part of its Global Pivotal State(GPS) branding strategy. The new Master Plan draws on key results and lessons learned from the First Master Plan (2017-22), and present new visions and objectives based on the changing internal and external environments, as well as key tasks to realize them.

  • Annual Comprehensive Action Plan for Public Diplomacy

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates and implements an Annual Comprehensive Action plan each year, integrating action plans from 19 central administrative agencies and 17 mayors and governors, in conformity with the five-year Master Plan.

    Public Diplomacy of the Republic of Korea
    Public Diplomacy of the Republic of Korea
    Public Diplomacy of the Republic of Korea
    • VISION - Korea, a Global Pivotal State that Contributes to Freedom, Peac
    • GOALS - Strategic policy advocacy in our national interests, Korea positioned as powerhouse for science & technology, and culture, Digital, innovative ecosystem for public diplomacy
      • Build international support for sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula
      • Strengthen communication with focus countries and regions
      • Enhance nation brand as one that contributes to global values
      • Lay solid groundwork for future cooperation through open exchanges with the next generations overseas
      • Share science & technology, innovation
      • Expand favorable conditions for Korean language education and Korean studies abroad
      • Enhance accurate understanding of Korea
      • Build support for Korea through interactive cultural diplomacy
      • Foster digital public diplomacy using Metaverse and AI technology
      • Support youth professional development in public diplomacy and advance overseas
      • Improve public-private partnerships among local governments, Korean expats abroad, and businesses
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